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  1. J

    VFX Request [PAID] Youtube Trailer

    Hey bro. PM me and we can talk. I can show u some examples of my editing too
  2. J

    Service Request Need a logo

    Hey bro. I can give it a go although it isn't my speciality. PM me!
  3. J

    Service I'm Your Editing Guy!?!

    Previously I posted a message saying I would do one free edit for each member who messaged me. Just in case you guys want to know what my editing is like, here's a montage video I created a few years ago!
  4. J

    Gaming I'm Your Editing Guy!?!

    1.) I use Sony vegas to edit. 2.) I don't have a video as my channels are all deleted, but I can show a user upon pm the skills I have if I am able to find a video from my many files. (Like MANY files :p) 3+4.) I can use dropbox or google drive etc., to send and receive large files. Or YouTube...
  5. J

    Service Editing and thumbnails (FREE SERVICE)!?!

    Hey guys. My name is Jack. I used to do YouTube when I was younger but I stopped because it just wasn't what I wanted to do. So I decided to come back to freedom and offer my services as an editor and thumbnail maker. If you pm me or reply to this I can send you some samples of my work (if I can...
  6. J

    Gaming I'm Your Editing Guy!?!

    Your name : Jack. Where are you from?: North-west England. How old are you?: 16. How did you find Freedom : I used to do YouTube and have partnered with freedom in the past. What made you join our forums?: I wanted to find a way to use my editing skills, without doing my own channel on YouTube...