Search results

  1. handsome28951303

    Gaming A gamer from Taiwan!!(if u want play with me!!)

    Hi I'm a student from Taiwan! My nickname is Blue! I have played a lot of games like LOL PUBG Minecraft GTA VRchat etc.... My English is not very good but I still can simple communication and chat I want to be friends with many people and play games Come and talk to me! And have a nice day!Merry...
  2. handsome28951303

    遊戲玩家 小小蒼藍的個人介紹!

    大家好!!我是蒼藍~ 很高興能加入這個大家庭! 我大部分都會玩:LOL R6(虹彩6號) GTAV GarrysMod PayDay2 Rust等等遊戲(歡迎推坑) 歡迎大家瀏覽和留言喔~~~ 有問題歡迎發問謝謝觀看(?