Search results

  1. The Amagi Webseries

    Request What do you think of my new video

    Can you give me a review on story line, Animation quality, sound quality, background music, theme song, and thumbnail, Also if you have any questions about it plz ask, And yes I did make this !
  2. The Amagi Webseries

    Request What do you think of my new video

    tell me what you think in the comments ! Tell me what you think of the story line, Animation quality, sound quality, background music, theme song, and thumbnail, Also if you have any questions about it plz ask !
  3. The Amagi Webseries

    Service View for View

    Post your video down bellow and i'll watch it. Be sure to watch my video in return
  4. The Amagi Webseries

    Offering Detailed Feedback for you!

    Heres my channel, Tell me honestly what you think, And if you could, could you leave your feedback in a comment on my channel !
  5. The Amagi Webseries

    Offering Reviews For YOU!

    Can you review my channel !
  6. The Amagi Webseries

    Offering I can review your channel

    It would be awesome if you would review my newest video, Tell me what you think in the comments !
  7. The Amagi Webseries

    Fun and Games Mak a mesage taht iz mis-speld

    A reelie leek fweesome oto
  8. The Amagi Webseries

    Entertainment Do you like Magic?

    good job on your channel , Love your cool magic tricks !
  9. The Amagi Webseries

    Solved How long should it take to get a response from my ticket

    Never mind they just answered my ticket!
  10. The Amagi Webseries

    Solved How long should it take to get a response from my ticket

    I haven't got my learn more button in 3 days, so I posted a ticket and its been about 2 days now and I still haven't seen the learn more button or was given an agent. How long should this take, because I'm holding off posting a bunch of videos till I become a partner. My case number is 154962