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  1. The Con

    Tips & Tricks Schedule Question

    Yeah, no problem, I really love these forums and it's pretty nice now to be partnered with fullscreen. It's great I can help other YouTubers out now more easily. -The Con
  2. The Con

    Subscriber Milestone 5 Subscribers!!!!!!!!!

    Recently, I hit five subscribers and I'm just so excited that some people care about me. I am finally happy to be back at YouTube again after my friends stopped wanting to upload on our 185 subscriber channel.
  3. The Con

    Tips & Tricks Schedule Question

    It'd probably be better if you had a few scheduled days, such as Wednesday and Sunday or something like that, but make sure your viewers know what day or days you upload on so they'll always see your content. -The Con
  4. The Con

    How to get more subscribers

    probably you need some editing and the mic and probably doing colabs would be a better option to gain subscribers.