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  1. M

    Subscriber Milestone 300 Loyal Subs & 65k Views!

    Great job on hitting those milestones!!! Dude. Your channel is 9 years old! My oldest channel is 7 years old. I wish I had gotten serious & consistent with YouTube back then...
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    What is a fair YouTube Upload Schedule?

    Last week I switched to scheduled postings on YouTube. Everyday at the same time. This actually felt realy great from the start.
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    Other Milestone 100 Views in 3 hours

    Great job! Every milestone counts!
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    Guys read this if you love clash of clans and wanna become YouTube partners!

    I play/record both Clash of Clans & Clash Royale. I think it would be great to collaborate on some vids.
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    Tips & Tricks Chronamut's tips for growing your channel

    Thank you for taking the time to put this all together. I am shifting some of my time to growing my channel and this really inspired me!
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    Educational So a Dog Walks Into a Bar...

    Code: Red Your name/alias: MrAyu Where are you from?: Over There How old are you?: Not nearly as old as I look How did you find Freedom!? another YouTuber in the same gaming niche - DoA Loyal What made you join our forums?: The snacks What are your hobbies?: Mud Wrestling, Litter Box...