Search results

  1. X0th3rm1k_Gaming

    PC Want to start a collab series!

    Well, I'm looking for PC gaming channels who are willing for collaboration. Only requirement is a Steam account, (which I believe everyone fulfills). I have a pretty small sub count of only 8 subs... but I just crossed 500 views this week!! As of now, I'm playing Outlast, Faster Than Light, Tube...
  2. X0th3rm1k_Gaming

    Gaming Hi All! Nice meeting y'all!

    Hello everyone! I'm Vishwajith, but you guys can call me Hitman. I am a pretty young gamer, who is a very big fan of Predators, and love playing strategy and horror games, even though I can't collect myself to play horror completely. My channel on YouTube is X0th3rm1k Gaming. You can also search...