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  1. Happy Hour

    Gaming Hello All

    It's been going well! We're only about 2 weeks in but things are looking promising.
  2. Happy Hour

    What Are Your Milestones For YouTube?

    I'd like 500 subs by the end of the year, but my current goal is 50 subs. And I'm getting pretty close!!!!
  3. Happy Hour

    Need Help With Custom URL

    I thought you could only have a custom URL once you hit 100 subs?
  4. Happy Hour

    Community Hi Im Jasper.

    Hey Jasper, don't worry, I am brand new to all of this as well haha
  5. Happy Hour

    Subscriber Milestone In my first year....

    That's awesome congrats! I am also aiming for 500 subs by 2017. Hopefully it works out for the both of us haha
  6. Happy Hour

    Gaming Hello All

    Nice to meet you, I'm brand new myself! I also try to upload around my work schedule so I know the struggle.
  7. Happy Hour

    How was everyone's spring break? :)

    I spent most of my time working... but the paycheck was nice! haha
  8. Happy Hour

    Subscriber Milestone 10,000 Subscribers!

    Woah that is crazy! Keep up the awesome work!!!
  9. Happy Hour

    Comedy Every Hour is Happy Hour

    Hey everyone! My name is Hayden and my best friend and I just created a brand new channel just over a week ago! Our channel name is (if you couldn't already tell) Happy Hour and we make weekly comedy style videos generally with a drinking theme. Since then I have been looking to connect with...