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  1. Teen Tech

    I started A Youtube Channel few days before and I Want a cheap gaming Setup for below

    You simply can't build a good gaming setup for that cheap. You might be able to but it will not be a good one. Save up for a bit and expand your budget
  2. Teen Tech

    Is Adobe Premiere Pro Good?

    It's a great software, but it has a fairly steep learning curve
  3. Teen Tech

    Free online video editors?

    I don't think you'll find anything to edit with directly online, but a great free and advanced editing software is Hitfilm 3 Express, but if you want something simpler then movie maker or imovie is great
  4. Teen Tech

    Any PC Builders?

    I've built a system for about $2000 CAD, here are the specs: AMD FX8320 16 GB of Ram GTX 970 Strix NZXT S340 Case 240GB SSD 1TB HDD I've colour coordinated it pretty well and it looks pretty cool
  5. Teen Tech

    Good equipment for under £25

    If you have a phone, start with that and save up from there
  6. Teen Tech

    Tech Hey there, I'm Will!

    This does seem like a great forum! Thanks for responding!
  7. Teen Tech

    audio or quality

    Audio is probably the most important, work on that, but if you're upgrading your video quality, upgrade things like lights or lenses before getting a new camera
  8. Teen Tech

    Is there a bottleneck

    Bottlenecking is a very vague term, and many people wioll argue whether it even exists or not. But it doesn't look like there's anything disperportionate about your system. It might be an issue with your benchmarking software. Try a different benchmark, and download a hardware monitoring software.
  9. Teen Tech

    Any1 know any good cheap laptops?

    Sorry man you get what you pay for. There's not a very big chance you'll find a laptop under $100 that will actually work well. However, you might be able to find something used on ebay
  10. Teen Tech

    Tech Hey there, I'm Will!

    Hi, my name is Will and a few weeks ago I started a youtube channel called Teen Tech, were I give tips and do reviews on tech products. I heard that freedom was a good network to join with as they were very helpful and didn't lock you into a contract. Hence the name I suppose. But as I was...