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  1. Calico Cidd

    YouTube Views Milestone 1900 View Mark

    I was going to wait til 2k views to post an update, but I woke up this morning and my view count was on 1900 exactly, so I took it as a sign for the youtube gods to post today. Not bad for only 26 subs, which, for the life of me I can't get that count to rise lately, but as long as people keep...
  2. Calico Cidd

    Subscriber Milestone 25 Subs and 1700 Views

    The growth from posting whenever I can to doing it on a regular, consistent basis is huge. I've more than doubled my subs and views in a week. Have to keep moving forward though, have to use this momentum and just keep going!
  3. Calico Cidd

    Other Milestone 50 Vids & 10 Subs. It's a start.

    Double Milestone, 50th Video was uploaded and reached my 10th Sub. Cruising around 450 views, I'm cool with the slow and steady pace, as long as it's forward in momentum. If you're not moving forward,you're retreating.
  4. Calico Cidd

    Gaming Intro Time

    Your name/alias: CalicoCidd, Just call me Calico, everyone does. Where are you from?: Middle of Nowhere Oklahoma How old are you?: 31 How did you find Freedom!? Youtube search What made you join our forums?: Wanting to network and grow my channel What are your hobbies?: Gaming and Watching...