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  1. DecemberDragon

    Gaming Hello Everybody!

    Hey cool banner haha! Good luck with the whole youtube stuff. I'm Dragon nice to meet ya. Never give up!
  2. DecemberDragon

    Gaming A new YouTuber has arrived - Jamie

    Welcome to freedom mate! Best of luck and have fun and don't give up! Let's aim for that silver play haha
  3. DecemberDragon

    Gaming Hi I'm new to Freedom

    Very interesting! I'm Dragon. Welcome to freedom hope you enjoy it here and best of luck!
  4. DecemberDragon

    Gaming Starting my Gaming Youtube up, Come check me out! :)

    Welcome to freedom mate! I'm Dragon please to meet ya! Good luck on your dream.
  5. DecemberDragon

    Gaming Sup Guys

    Hey Dec I'm Dragon! Haha. Glad you come here most of us are friendly. So good luck on your journey! Bars. xD
  6. DecemberDragon

    Gaming Introduction To my new channel!

    Alright That's the spirit! Well Best of luck and have fun!
  7. DecemberDragon

    Gaming Introducing my self

    Hey Scott! I'm Dragon! Hope you enjoy it here and see ya around!
  8. DecemberDragon

    Gaming Welcome To My Channel

    1 Sub WOOO! Way to go! I'm dragon see ya around! Also have fun.
  9. DecemberDragon

    Community Hey guys! :D

    Whats up troy! Rocking the happy vibes haha! Anyways welcome to freedom and have fun.
  10. DecemberDragon

    Gaming frostedcoder2

    Frostedcoder2 sweet name? Bet you must be chill. xD Anyways welcome to freedom be seeing ya around.
  11. DecemberDragon

    Gaming WaveZ - Introduction

    Hey welcome to freedom! Hope you enjoy it here. Never give up!
  12. DecemberDragon

    Gaming Hi guys

    Welcome cute profile pic. Haha. There is no contract so yeah. But you do have to give a 30 day notice. Anyways goodluck.
  13. DecemberDragon

    Gaming Hey, what's up freedom?!

    Welcome friend! I'm Dragon! Comedy is the way to go haha. Well good luck on everything!
  14. DecemberDragon

    Comedy IT'S DRAGON TIME!

    DecemberDragon Here! ^-^ I'm from U.S.A! Lol vague good let's keep it that way! I'm old enough or as my great grand papi said from the year before dinosaurs. I found freedom while making my own dank memes and someone pointed it out also a quick google search. I'm here to support others and be...