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  1. Shanavenom

    Gaming Hello I'm Shanavenom

    I see what you did there
  2. Shanavenom

    Gaming Hello I'm Shanavenom

    Thanks! and oh god I subbed your channel LOVE LOVE LOVE Zelda (y)
  3. Shanavenom

    Gaming Hello I'm Shanavenom

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  4. Shanavenom

    Gaming Video Games Evolution

    Hello and welcome to the Freedom! Family, hope you like it here! Love the idea behind the channel btw
  5. Shanavenom

    Gaming A little Something about me

    Oh I like you (y) Felt the same way about that comment
  6. Shanavenom

    Gaming A little Something about me

    Hello fellow inhabitant of Belgium! Welcome to the freedom family, hope you really enjoy it here! It's a really touching story and I like your channel, it looks good and has a nice feeling to it. Don't worry about the viewers and subs to much it happens to a lot of youtubers. I started about...
  7. Shanavenom

    Gaming New to Freedom! - GamingMexican

    Hello GamingMexican And a warm welcome to the Freedom Family, hope you really enjoy it here and the channel trailer is very nice :D
  8. Shanavenom

    Gaming Hello I'm Shanavenom

    I'll keep it hush hush ;)
  9. Shanavenom

    Gaming Hello I'm Shanavenom

    Thanks for the welcome, checked out your channel as well and love the content, I subbed :D
  10. Shanavenom

    YouTube - Subs/Views ratio

    That's great :D I wish I had those kind of numbers going on. I don't even want to watch the stats because i'm going to get depressed but I have just only started so maybe in a few months...
  11. Shanavenom

    YouTube - Subs/Views ratio

    Great answer The Bossman, I agree.
  12. Shanavenom

    Service Free Video Shoutouts!

    Would love a shoutout, love watching let's plays
  13. Shanavenom

    Gaming Hello I'm Shanavenom

    Hey, thanks! Really loving the Freedom Family.
  14. Shanavenom

    Gaming Hello I'm Shanavenom

    Thanks for the tip :D. Come visit one day! We might not have fab weather but we do have good chocolate and french fries.
  15. Shanavenom

    Gaming Hello I'm Shanavenom

    Thanks a lot!
  16. Shanavenom

    Gaming Hello I'm Shanavenom

    Your name: Hey Guys I'm Shanavenom (Optional) Where are you from?: I'm from tiny Belgium (Optional) How old are you?: and I'm 22 years old atm How did you find Freedom!? I found freedom through Youtube What made you join our forums?: I wanted to connect to fellow Youtubers What are your...