Search results

  1. Fiaura The Tank Girl

    Resources Free Game Keys for Those who Wish to Do Reviews

    So I have been doing this for about a month but it works surprising enough. So far I've reviewed Iron Snout, Plantera, and XCOM 2, yeah I didn't pay for my XCOM 2, I got a key through here. I really don't know how to explain this without people being skeptical but eh, if you don't wanna try it...
  2. Fiaura The Tank Girl

    Subscriber Milestone Big 2000 Subscriber Give Away

    So the giveaway itself is Monday, sign ups for all the prizes are in the description below, except the computer parts, you have to send me an email on those. I take the time to explain everything and hopefully some of you will sign up and we can start looking at more things like collaborations...
  3. Fiaura The Tank Girl

    Service Video Review with Tips and Tricks

    So I've noticed a few of these offers come in on my comments section, I'm going to offer this free of charge since it doesn't take long and can be beneficial to both of us. I'll look at one of your videos and do an analysis of it. I have an associates in Film Theory by the way from University...
  4. Fiaura The Tank Girl

    Solved Applied, Accepted, but not connected to Freedom?

    So I've applied and been accepted, I started a support ticket and initially got a reply but now they have gone quiet for 4 days. Here is what I see on my channel, clearly I am unsure how to fix this or get access to the area of my channel the tutorial video references, any help? If I am...
  5. Fiaura The Tank Girl

    Gaming Collaborations for Fun and Growth with a Gaming Channel

    Hello yall, I'm Fiaura, so a couple of things. I will do a collaboration with quite a few people, I've actually done with them people who have as little at 50 subscribers and as many as 23,000. So don't worry about the size of your channel, we can talk, I'll look at your content, ask you to...
  6. Fiaura The Tank Girl

    Gaming Hello, I'm Fiaura

    So hi everyone, this took a lot of convincing and sitting 1 and 1 with 2 people who were in the network before I would agree to this one. Anyway, the application is in but I figured I would go ahead and say hello and explain what I do. I'm a community contributor for World of Tanks and Armored...