Search results

  1. AirReborn

    GFX Request Calling Designers and Editors!

    One day, you will realise that life isn't all about money. Have you ever heard the saying "we're stronger in numbers". There are around 15 Designers and Editors who ask me to join AirReborn daily, i can't accept them all. Being in a team means helping your team grow. In return, you are given...
  2. AirReborn

    Subscriber Milestone Celebrating 1800 Subscribers

    Thanks <3 Also, should be fixed!
  3. AirReborn

    GFX Request Calling Designers and Editors!

    When you join a team, you're coming together with a bunch of others who are skilled like you. No, you don't get paid. Teams help you progress as a Player/Editor/Designer in this community. In return, you design for them. Some people *cough* @SlenderSlay *cough* have the wrong mentality when it...
  4. AirReborn

    Call of Duty Infinite Warfare vs Battlefield 1

  5. AirReborn

    Subscriber Milestone Celebrating 1800 Subscribers

    Hello, We are incredibly happy to announce that we have officially hit 1800 Subscribers! Love you all <3 -AirReborn
  6. AirReborn

    GFX Request Calling Designers and Editors!

    Hello, If you're a Designer or Editor wishing to join a team, contact us! Twitter: @AirReborn Just tweet us asking for a DM and we'll get in touch with you as soon as possible. - Reality
  7. AirReborn

    What do you use to record your games with?

    Elgato Game Capture HD <3
  8. AirReborn

    Subscriber Milestone 1500 Subscribers!

    Hello, We've recently hit 1500 Subscribers on our channel! Channel: Thank You to everyone who's been supporting us <3