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  1. JoyofGaming

    So... Now what?

    It's weird, I'm social with people I know and need that, y'know, help to get in with other people, and when I'm in front of an audience, but forums for some reason don't work for me, but I'd like to be more involved but I don't want to be? I'm weird.
  2. JoyofGaming

    Who is a full-time Youtuber?

    I would love to be, but it's so hard to get noticed these days.
  3. JoyofGaming

    So... Now what?

    So I've introduced myself, decided what I'm going to do for my channel content for the foreseeable future but beyond that, I'm not really sure what to do in regards to the network itself? I have no money to buy graphics, I have music already, I'm on my own with editing and figuring out what kind...
  4. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    yeah, had a bit of a "No one's watching this stuff, why bother?" bout of depression.
  5. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    oh that's what you meant.
  6. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    I don't even know what to type in to find what I'm looking for.
  7. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    that would require decent photo editing software, alll I've got are a basic version of irfanview and a clip paint studio which is good for drawing but not so much text and stuff as far as I can figure, it can't properly load psds to edit text fields. I'm also /really bad/ at trying to promote...
  8. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    I have editing stuff, video and audio, but I'm not good with the graphics end of things.
  9. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    Well other than my energy level and figuring out how to do thumbnails (no idea...) what else do I need to improve? I'm a socially awkward anti-social nerd with severe anxiety
  10. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    therein lies the rub, I have no funding and the graphics revamps for partners look... really generic I just now realized that it doesn't have actual art just a random photo, hm, maybe I should use the generic revamping just for now.
  11. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    So my banner is crap then? I have no idea how to do thumbnails if I'm trying to put out daily content since I don't have access to high end photo editing software to do things with.
  12. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    Well, maybe being able to actually make some money doing this. Figuring out which of my games to play, um... Mostly I just want to build the brand I guess? Figure out how to youtube I guess.
  13. JoyofGaming

    Gaming I'm a fresh partner

    and socially awkward so forgive me if this seems terse. Your name: Terashell (Optional) Where are you from?: New York (Optional) How old are you?: 31 How did you find Freedom!? Ziovo youtube channel What made you join our forums?: I have no idea what I'm doing or where to start and don't know...