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  1. Daryl Trolling

    Gaming Youtube Story

    I Was thinking of all names possible and i was stuck and couldn't think of one tell i thought Swiftly and GAming together would be awesome and i went with it and it stuck. :)
  2. Daryl Trolling

    Gaming Youtube Story

    Hello My Name is Daryl or Swiftly Gaming, I've been on youtube for 3 years and had a rough start and had no sub's, I was sad i cried and quit youtube for a couple a months and rejoined. I have had 4 different accounts and this one is to stay. I had the worst videos and worst editing but...
  3. Daryl Trolling

    Gaming Looking For Youtubers To join My team!

    @IRonicGaming Did you read mine?
  4. Daryl Trolling

    Gaming Looking For Youtubers To join My team!

    Youtube Name: Swiftly Gaming Age: 13, 14 in September Skype: Swiftly Gaming, Image: "Sg" YouTube Link: Twitch Link: Editor: Sony vegas 13 Recorder: Elgato software and sometimes X-split Why you...
  5. Daryl Trolling

    Gaming Introduction

  6. Daryl Trolling

    Solved What is freedom! for?

    We do many things Sponsorship's, Giveaways, Sponsorship Reviews so you get get things like premium on X split for up to 4 weeks, Music, sharing your story. Just go to: and George's video's:
  7. Daryl Trolling

    Gaming Introduction

    My Name is: Daryl I'm from: La Ronge, I'm 13 years old. I found freedom by a youtube video, I joined the forums for the help of me and to help others. My hobbies are: Remote Control vehicles, computers and gaming My Favourite food are:Tacos I started youtube because i want to let people see my...