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  1. StrafyTV

    Trends - How do you feel about them?

    Trend setter all day :P
  2. StrafyTV

    10,000 YouTube Business Cards!

    Where did you get them from?
  3. StrafyTV

    Guys i like to say something

    Work at it everyday! Only had my channel for about 20 days, 30 subs and about 8,500 views. The only difference between me and a lot of people is I work everyday to promote my channel, not just upload.
  4. StrafyTV

    Anyone do a draw my life video?

    If I could draw maybe :D
  5. StrafyTV

    Is Cod Dead / Dying

    I feel like it died since MW2 and now they are just milking it for every penny they can
  6. StrafyTV


    Yes its good
  7. StrafyTV

    Everyones Currently most played game?

    Arma 3 :)
  8. StrafyTV

    Do I need rights to post FIFA 16 videos on YouTube?

    I'm pretty sure if you're under a network, like freedom, you should be cool.
  9. StrafyTV

    What's your favorite genre of game?

    If Mirrors Edge is a genre then Mirrors Edge ;)
  10. StrafyTV

    Am I The Only One?

    Totally agree
  11. StrafyTV

    NEW: Mohamed Arrested for Homemade Clock@

    Nice clock ahmed :^]
  12. StrafyTV

    Sharp to sell world's first 8K TV

    I can't even afford a 4k TV, this world is evolving too fast for my budget
  13. StrafyTV

    Best Equipment And Stuff To Enjoy Your Gaming Experience

    A great headset with 7.1 audio is essential for me
  14. StrafyTV

    What Processor is better Intel or AMD

    Intel all the way boiz
  15. StrafyTV

    What was the best game you've played on The Playstation 2?

    San Andreas for sure, that game probably made me a gamer in the first place!
  16. StrafyTV

    Games you are most looking forward to play?

    Fallout 4! And The walking dead season 3 I've been waiting too long already