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  1. Vane

    How To Top 5 underrated youtubers of the week #2 (gain subs)

    Are you an underrated youtuber ? well if you are why not try to get noticed. I am starting a top 5 underrated 1. Subscribe to my channel 2. Stay active(I will know) 3. Subscribe to the winners and tell them I sent you (I will be checking) Optional youtubers on Sunday. I Will be continuing...
  2. Vane

    Entertainment Top 5 underrated youtubers of the week #1

    watch this video of these amazing peopel and try to win your self
  3. Vane

    How To how to be more confident

    in this video i will be showing you how you can be more confident
  4. Vane

    How To How to think of video ideas

    in this video i will be showing you how you can think of video ideas
  5. Vane

    Entertainment why is sub for sub bad

    in this video i am going to be expressing my views as to why i think that sub for sub is bad
  6. Vane

    How To A Big Change (The New Me)

  7. Vane

    How To The New me

    well I have decided to change my channel in a new direction. As gaming was not working out but my how to/advice videos were doing really good. so because of this i decided to change and that is what youtube is about really finding what you like to do the i really enjoy making how to...
  8. Vane

    should i change my name

    i am changing the content on my channel so the name will not fit but should i change it. please can you give me some advice
  9. Vane

    i need a good name please

    i need a good name for a how to/advice/news channel it would be much appreciated thank
  10. Vane

    A big change?? (please read/help)

    i am thinking of changing my content , my name my channel style. I am doing this as i fell that although i am good at gaming and all and that what my channel is focused on. I feel that my how to video and my advice videos do better as they get more views. Now if i want to do this big change i...
  11. Vane

    Solved It has been 3 days and no reply or anything please help

    It has been 3 days since i opened my ticket about copywright claim. please help the ticked id is 137382 . it is about how i used position music in the freedom collection and got a claim on it . This is my channel: This is the video that...
  12. Vane

    How To dead rising 3 -ok so i got bit

    watch this video
  13. Vane

    How To How to balance school and youtube

    in this video i will be showing you how to balance school and youtube.Did you like the video tell me in the comments. sub if you want more great videos like this
  14. Vane

    How To How to make money with your phone

    in this video i will be showing you how you can make money with your phone. tell me what you think
  15. Vane

    Solved please help i used position music and i have a copyright claim

    please help i used position music and i have a copyright claim even though it was in the freedom collection why had this not gone yet . please could freedom or someone help me with matter . thanks
  16. Vane

    Gaming Sunset overdrive ep 4 - what is happening

    what this video and tell me what you think
  17. Vane

    Other Milestone yes 500 views

    I have recently passsed 500 views it may nt seem like alot but it is to me i am thankfull to all my subs and viewers
  18. Vane

    Gaming Dead Rising 3 ep 5- we get ambushed

    watch my latest video on dead rising and look what happened
  19. Vane

    Gaming Dead rising ep 4 - Killing Spree

    hey we are continuing with this amazing game as we destroy all the zombies.
  20. Vane

    Gaming New channel trailer

    Here is my new channel introduction hope that you enjoy it . please comment down below your thoughts