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  1. The Rainbowish Panda

    Favorite TV shows?

    I really love Teen Wolf American Horror Story Sherlock House How I Met Your Mother and 2 Broke Girls... Yes, I have no life :oops:
  2. The Rainbowish Panda

    Fun and Games Name your Top 5 Want to visit countries!

    I'll visit: 1. Japan 2. South Korea 3. United Kingdom 4. China and 5. I don't really know haha I can't hink of any other country I would like to visit at this moment :) Almost everyone wants to visit Japan :D
  3. The Rainbowish Panda

    Subs or Dubs?

    Subs! Because you can hear the original dubs and also dubbed versions are usually poorly translated :(
  4. The Rainbowish Panda

    Favorite Anime?

    Naruto Dragon Ball Z K-on! Shugo Chara but Naruto will always be the bae from all the animes