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  1. Everythinggaming

    Is my idea good?

    Hey guys, I just created a new blog ( to replace my channel and was wondering opinions on this. I have deleted my channel and I have realized it has been a lot harder to build up any blog fan base. I was wondering if you guys think this is good or bad and check...
  2. Everythinggaming

    Gaming New Gaming BLOG!!!

    Hey guys, I actually decided to take a break from you YouTube and introduce my new blog, I have one review up already. The blog is, please check it out!!!
  3. Everythinggaming

    Is it okay to not do gaming videos for a while

    I'm asking because I am trying to be a gaming channel, but recently I have been having to do technology videos because I do not have a capture card and I don't want the videos to suck
  4. Everythinggaming

    Looking for collab!

    Hey guys I run an instagram with 422 followers and a youtube with 37 subscribers that I recently deleted my videos to start over. I am looking for somebody to collab with me on YouTube. I would hope for them to had good experience with technology and be pretty popular. Reply if you want to collab!
  5. Everythinggaming

    How should I structure my channel?

    Hello, I run a technology, gaming, unboxing, and review channel called TheIGameGuy but I wanted to know for the technology part of my channel, is it okay to just make a video about whatever? Should I try to focus into like one thing and only branch off occasionally?