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  1. Tempo

    Request How's my editing? (Call of Duty)

    I'm doing a series called the 12 days of Black Ops where I'm playing 12 different Black Ops Zombies maps. They're all cut down from 3-6 minutes. Meant to be short, sweet and amusing. How are they? Of course, they're daily so if you could leave a reply on any one or more of the videos that'd be...
  2. Tempo

    Service PP / Banner / Thumbnails

    I've only recently started, so I'm seeing this as a way to practise yet make it purposeful without just discarding my pieces at the end. Everything on my channel is made by me, and I'm able to make better, yet the things just sum up me better (IMO). If you need anything leave a reply and I'll dm...
  3. Tempo

    PlayStation Black Ops 3 Zombies and 2v2/3v3/4v4 Gamebattles

    Hey, I'm a full out CoD guy, so if anyone would like to play zombies, or play gamebattles or record then message me on the forums, or add my PSN account; Dustbin_Driver, or even add my skype, sammygunner1. Don't mind if you want to play casually, competitively or record :)
  4. Tempo

    Community Guess I'm new here!

    Hey! I'm Sam, 15, and a gaming YouTuber from the UK. Only started uploading recently, and hoping to improve a ton. When I first came to find Freedom! I was amazed by the community and support for smaller YouTubers, and found this again in the forums. Thought I'd give this introduction as I'll be...