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  1. Game Form Stars

    Service GFX Service [Paid]

    logos 1 dollar and outros and end cards 3 dollars and banners 5, you need them I got your back
  2. Game Form Stars

    logos 1 dollar and intros 2 dollars outros and end cards 3 dollars and banners 5

    let me know I will make them.
  3. Game Form Stars

    anyone wants me to make show similar to the George Show like do tutorials and tips etc on youtube

    let me know because i can help you grow on youtube just like George
  4. Game Form Stars

    Gaming Game Form Stars

    Hello everyone my name is Raul Jimenez i'm 19 years old and i live in Modesto California and my channel is about everything what i mean by that is my channel is about gaming,news,how to and etc so if you love all that be sure to subscribe to my channel