Search results

  1. Infinite EDM

    GFX Request YouTube Thumbnail for Music Channel

    Hello guys, I'm managing a YT channel and I need a thumbnail refresh ^^ So my preferences would be a .xcf (gimp) or .psd template which i can easily modify ! I would like to see on this thumbnail, the song title, artist name , and why not the music genre ! You can check my current thumbnails...
  2. Infinite EDM

    Music Hey Guys ! Infinite EDM

    Hello , My IRL name is Pierre , I live in France , and I manage a Music Channel, which is focusing to upload EDM (Electronic Dance Music) songs :) I'm 19 Years old, soon 20 ! In March :) I've been contacted 2-3 days ago by Rasel Khaima to join a YT Networks, and I found the concept very...