Recent content by Tyxex

  1. Tyxex

    PC Looking For Collaborations on Wide Variety of Games

    I don't have GTA, but I could always get it :)
  2. Tyxex

    PC Looking For Collaborations on Wide Variety of Games

    Age: Hey guys, I'm 18! and I'm from Australia! Channel main topic: Gaming What games/Which platform would you like to Collaborate: Rocket League Brawlhalla Rust Portal 2 Planetside 2 and more... Amount of subscribers: 88 Other ways to contact you: You can contact me through steam - tyxex...
  3. Tyxex

    Gaming Hey There!

    Thank you guys very much!
  4. Tyxex

    Gaming Hey There!

    Thank you! I shall!
  5. Tyxex

    Gaming Hey There!

    Thank-you! Thank-you Very much and I shall should I ever need any help! Definitely is! Thank you!
  6. Tyxex

    Gaming Hello

    Welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy the site in all it has to offer, and best of luck with your future endeavours on YouTube!
  7. Tyxex

    Gaming Hey Whats up!?

    Hey man, welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy your time on here!
  8. Tyxex

    Gaming Hey There!

    Hello Everyone, I am Tyler, or as I'm better known on the internet as Tyxex I am from Australia! And I am currently 18 years old! I found Freedom through a YouTube user called Big C, and he originally helped me get my partnership with freedom I joined the freedom forums because I am partnered...