Recent content by Trying to Survive

  1. T

    XBox FIFA GTA OR BO3 -collab at any time!

    Hey so i have 104 subscribers and MY youtube channel is "Its Tacoz" i will collab with any size youtube.
  2. T

    XBox I was looking for a collab with other small Channels

    my channel
  3. T

    Service Free Youtube Banners (No Money, No Shoutout and will do SpeedArt)

    my youtube is Its tacoz i have 102 subs and i was wondering if you can make me a banner
  4. T

    XBox Xbox One

    can i join you guys on a collab
  5. T

    XBox Black Ops 3 Collab??? XBOX 1

    whats your youtube name
  6. T

    XBox I was looking for a collab with other small Channels

    hey i have 102 subscribers and i was wondering if you would like to collab add me on Skype : Its Tacoz
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    PlayStation Collab Anyone Above 100 subs?

    I have 92 subscribers will that do it?
  8. T

    Service Free Graphics

    this is my youtube and i was wondering if you can do a thumbnail for my second video
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    Service Free Graphics

    do you do thumbnails
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    Service Free Art Request for Shout out!

    I can make you one,Just tell me what you need/want in it