Recent content by TheSubzeroGroup

  1. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    No problem. Keep up the good work.
  2. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Thank you keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff
  3. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Nice videos. I like you intro. Your speech is very clear and engaging. Your titles are descriptive, your descriptions give a brief description of whats going on in the video. Your thumbnails are eye catching, and are consent with previous thumbnails making it easier for people to find your...
  4. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Nice channel banner. Your video titles are good clear states what to expect with your video. I would put a brief explanation of what happens in the video in the description as it will show up in the YouTube searches. I like your commentary very clear and the video quality is very nice. Keep up...
  5. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Well it seems to me like you know what you need to do to improve. From what i have seen your content is good. keep up the good work.
  6. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    I like your channel trailer. You told people what you do and what they get out of subscribing. Your audio and video are nice and clear. Your video titles are descriptive as well as an eye catching thumbnail to go with them. Keep up the good work.
  7. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Nice short channel trailer. Nice energy within your voice. Nice use of playlists to increase watch time. Like with most people I've looked at i would suggest working on your thumbnails. Nice use of the overlay on your videos. Keep up the good work.
  8. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Make a channel trailer. Its an easy way of showing your best parts to new people (like me). Your thumbnails are okay would look up some guides on make eye catching thumbnails. But you will get better over time (practice makes perfect). Nice energy in your voice. Nice mic quailty. I would work on...
  9. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Nice channel. Your thumbnails are nice. Like your choice of music.
  10. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    I like your thumbnails they are eyecatching and make me want to click the video. You have nice range of things that you do on your channel and are reflected in your thumbnails. What i dont like is the banner on the forums goes to confirm subscription page rather then the home page.
  11. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Nice banner and logo looks very nice and professional. Thumbnails are clear and eye catching and have your logo on them (Well done). Videos are entertaining and interesting. Keep up the good work.
  12. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Your videos are good. Nice quality content. Nice logo and banner. I would recommenced working on your thumbnails just by clearing up the images that you used. There are plenty of tutorials online about making simple thumbnails that are effective. Other then that keep up the good work.
  13. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Very nice channel. Thumbnails are very nice. Video quailty is nice and the music works well with the videos. Might have to hit you up for some designs.
  14. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    Nice banner and logo. I would recommend a channel trailer telling people what your channel is all about and maybe what you hope to get from the channel. I would also put some text on your thumbnails even if its only a few word that relate to video.
  15. TheSubzeroGroup

    Offering Let me check out your channel.

    I like your channel banner and logo looks very nice and is easy to recognize. Like i have said to other people work on your thumbnails as they are the first thing people see when choosing a video to watch. Make sure that your text stands out and contrasts your background. Your audio is nice and...