Recent content by TheDustyControllers

  1. TheDustyControllers

    WWE fans?!

    I don't get TNA where I live, but when I was in the States a few weeks ago, I watched it every week I was there. It looks a lot better than it did a few years ago. It looks like they are actually focusing on the wrestling now.
  2. TheDustyControllers

    WWE fans?!

    I don't really watch Raw any more, but I do watch the PPVs quite often. My all time favorite WWE wrestler is Mick Foley and my current favorite is either Rollins or Ambrose.
  3. TheDustyControllers

    Any Suggestions for a "Starter" Anime?

    I would say you should start off with Samurai Champloo. Started off great, ended great, and in between the two, it was a pretty fun ride.
  4. TheDustyControllers

    Any more mature animes to watch?

    Berserk and Log Horizon were good. Detroit Metal City is nothing like the ones you named, but if you like comedies it's good and short. Edit: Should have thought of this earlier, but Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop.