Recent content by TheCustomCreator

  1. TheCustomCreator

    Comedy Hello it's TheCustomCreator or mr.funny to my friends :D

    Thanks guys i see you are growing to and as a wise man once said its not what you do its what you make of it :)
  2. TheCustomCreator

    Comedy Hello it's TheCustomCreator or mr.funny to my friends :D

    bro Thanks for the support and might i say classy pic :p :D
  3. TheCustomCreator

    Review my channel

    Hey Guys TheCustomCreator here, idk if this is the right place to put this post but is there anyway some one can review my channel F.E.A.R any of the commentarys cause my friends say i'm funny at certain points of my gameplay and my editing is good but to be honest what i would like is a person...
  4. TheCustomCreator

    Comedy Hello it's TheCustomCreator or mr.funny to my friends :D

    i must say the editing takes a while but it is worth it in the end ^_^
  5. TheCustomCreator

    Comedy Hello it's TheCustomCreator or mr.funny to my friends :D

    Thanks Cookie bro i love this freedom thing cause everyone is so nice i love the freedom community and who ever says freedom is a scam can shove there finger up there butt cause freedom rocks! :D
  6. TheCustomCreator

    Comedy Hello it's TheCustomCreator or mr.funny to my friends :D

    I might of accidentally spamed the post is there a way to delete this one im so sorry i'm not the guy to use forums well :(
  7. TheCustomCreator

    Comedy Hello it's TheCustomCreator or mr.funny to my friends :D

    So hey guys i'm an 18 year old male born from the proud lands of Canada i am a funny game commentator hmm what else idk i like playing any games BESIDE OCEAN GAMES i have a fear called thassopobia (scared of the ocean) i also run and manage a minecraft server i play and learn violin 2 days a...
  8. TheCustomCreator

    Comedy Hello it's TheCustomCreator or mr.funny to my friends :D

    So hey guys i'm an 18 year old male born from the proud lands of Canada i am a funny game commentator (as my friends have told me) i have started making videos only a few days ago i started on youtube cause most of my friends and even my brother think i made funny content to pull at you're...