Recent content by TardedGamer

  1. TardedGamer

    Service Free logo design!

    Hey! Can you make me a logo and banner that incorporates Tilted Gamer and some guns please? Thanks!
  2. TardedGamer

    Service Making GFX for YOU!

    Hey! I need a logo and maybe a banner for twitch that incorporates Tilted Gamer and some guns please! Thanks in advance!
  3. TardedGamer

    PC Looking to collab on Youtube or Twitch

    Hey guys, I'm looking to collab, I have a lot of games that we can play. R6, CSGO, For Honor, Dead by Daylight, and more! Feel free to add me on discord so we can talk more! Tarded Gamer#7538
  4. TardedGamer

    Gaming A nice community

    That link is it. I don't know why it says otherwise.
  5. TardedGamer

    Gaming A nice community

    Hey, guys! I'm trying to build a good community where anyone can stream and record, and just have fun. Don't be shy, and be sure to introduce yourself if you join. Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
  6. TardedGamer

    PC Rainbow 6 Seige

    My God that took a while. Lol. Join my discord and let's talk. Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
  7. TardedGamer

    Gaming Looking to Collaborate

    Hey there! My Discord is Tarded Gamer #7538. I'm up for some rocket league, King of the Kill, and Rust. Do you have Rainbow Six Seige?
  8. TardedGamer

    Gaming Collaborate for Steam and XB1?

    I'm up for some KotK. Let me know!
  9. TardedGamer

    PC Rainbow 6 Seige

    Looking to start a R6 Ranked series. Leave a comment if interested.
  10. TardedGamer

    Gaming 2500 Subs, Looking for one time or long term collab!

    I'd be down for some rocket league. Let me know.
  11. TardedGamer

    PC R6S, BF4 and hosting on twitch

    Hey there! I'm willing to do Some Rainbow 6 Seige!
  12. TardedGamer

    Gaming In search for another funny moments participan! Long time colab!

    Hey there! I'm willing to do this! My channel is below!
  13. TardedGamer

    Gaming Collaboration on most games

    Hey all! I'm a smaller channel, looking to do some collabs. I have a lot of games on the PC, including Watchdogs 2, Rainbow Six Seige, CSGO, Ark, Rust, and more. Please be 15 or older. That's all! Leave a comment below!
  14. TardedGamer

    GFX | Thumbnails, Banners, Logos ect.

    Hi there! I'm looking for a simple, cleaner TG than my current logo. I may or may not have made it on the equivalent of MS paint.
  15. TardedGamer

    PC Playing GTA V

    Looking for some people to play GTA V on the PC with me. Message me. :)