Recent content by Syndrome_Beats

  1. Syndrome_Beats

    Subscriber Milestone 500 Subscribers

    That's not a bad plan, I'll probably actually do that aha
  2. Syndrome_Beats

    Request Feedback on latest video

    I guess I could see that. More of a market for CoD than Halo.
  3. Syndrome_Beats

    Request Feedback on latest video

    The quality of the video is great! Really well done, you seem enthusiastic about it, not boring or blah lol but since you're a Call of Duty youtuber, you may struggle to get people to find your videos. So I'd say try some new things, maybe it'll work out for you! Keep grindin' though, you have...
  4. Syndrome_Beats

    Subscriber Milestone 500 Subscribers

    Good job :D keep on doing your thing! Soon you'll be at 1k!
  5. Syndrome_Beats

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subs in 2 weeks!! what?!

    Well done man! It is only up hill from here, take it as a sign that you have quality content and DEFINITELY keep posting :) Good job :D
  6. Syndrome_Beats

    Solved Tips on Growing Channel?!

    Ride trends, if there is a trending challenge. Do it. Collab as much as you can and make sure your content varies, don't be too repetitive :o Also just be patient, once it starts picking up it REALLY starts picking up and I am sure it will for you :)
  7. Syndrome_Beats

    Watch Time Milestone 10,000,000 Minutes watched :)

    AYE! I did a thing lol I am new to Freedom!, but so far it has been dope which is cool! New to the community, hope yall are welcoming aha