Recent content by Superhygh

  1. Superhygh

    Comedy Tommy Lee Jones in Japan

  2. Superhygh

    Comedy Lol Japan. You weird

    glad ya like it!
  3. Superhygh

    Comedy Lol Japan. You weird

  4. Superhygh

    Comedy Lol Japan and their weird commercials

    thats good to know!
  5. Superhygh

    Comedy Lol Japan and their weird commercials

    IKR. lol you and me both buddy. lol
  6. Superhygh


    more of them japanese ads. enjoy!
  7. Superhygh

    How To How to make 250$ a day

    just sharing this one. yeap.
  8. Superhygh

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    Thundercats logo. my 2nd attempt at graffiti. cam is pretty shaky. Trying to make something other than a gaming video, so here i am testing the vlog approach.