Recent content by SundaraMusic

  1. SundaraMusic

    Music Game Music Composer

    Greatly appreciated :).
  2. SundaraMusic

    Music Game Music Composer

    Playing epic games and just being blown away by the compositions. When you walk into a new area and the song fits. It adds to the entire experience. I have played many video games and for the most part found myself just listening to the music. It inspired me to try my own :).
  3. SundaraMusic

    Gaming Wonderboy Gaming Channel

    Hey Wonderboy :D
  4. SundaraMusic

    Music Game Music Composer

    Well hello again. And thank you very much :).
  5. SundaraMusic

    Community hey guys I'm Jonathan, and what's your name?

    Ahh. Thanks for looking out :)
  6. SundaraMusic

    Community hey guys I'm Jonathan, and what's your name?

    Hahaha. I do apologize though. I just thought. "What the heck" XD
  7. SundaraMusic

    Community hey guys I'm Jonathan, and what's your name?

    I did I was just looking at others :P
  8. SundaraMusic

    Gaming Wonderboy Gaming Channel

    Hello everyone :)
  9. SundaraMusic

    Music I WANT TO GROW

    We all do :)
  10. SundaraMusic

    Music Game Music Composer

    Hello everyone. I am a musician who focuses solely on the production of music to fit games. Typically Fantasy and RPG. But, you never know I may do other genres as well. My dream is to have my music heard and reach as many people as possible. Being a lone artists and NOT a professional it...