Recent content by suay

  1. suay

    Gaming Welcome To My YouTube Channel

    Hi guys how are ya'll today because I am doing fantastic but today I would like to tell you a bit about me and my YouTube channel so my name is suay (sway) or Likewise and i'm a YouTuber. I've been playing video games since I was atleast 5 and decided to share my passion with the world...
  2. suay

    Gaming Help me grow

    hi guys I'm a zombies YouTuber who would appreciate it if you would check this out
  3. suay

    Gaming Hi im Luke, aka Horde Lord (Zombies YouTube'r)

    hey man you want to collab I have xb1 my gt is suayphil so just add me and msg me
  4. suay

    Gaming The Grind For 50 Subs

    thank you man you are the 50th subscriber
  5. suay

    Gaming The Grind For 50 Subs

    Hi Guys My Name is Likewise and today I am 2 subs away from 50 subscribers now I don't want you to sub because I asked you too I want you to sub because you like my content so let me tell you about what I do. I am a zombies YouTuber who uploads daily and sometimes even twice in a day I love...
  6. suay

    Gaming Could Ya'll Check Me Out?

    Hi Guys I'm A zombies YouTuber who uploads daily it would be really appreciated if I could get some feedback on my channel thanks and bye
  7. suay

    Gaming Zombies Collab xbox 1

    Hi guys I would like to know if anyone is interested in a zombies collab tomorrow if you are reply to this or hmu on xbox 1 my gt is suayphil (I would like to do a zombies challenge)
  8. suay

    Gaming Hi Guys

    IDK Man lol
  9. suay

    Gaming Hi Guys

    I have some vids of different games but its just mostly zombies
  10. suay

    Gaming Hi Guys

    Hey Guys I'm a zombies channel who would really appreciate if yall would check me out thanks
  11. suay

    Gaming Welcome To My Zombies Channel

    Hi Guys Likewise Here and today I would like some feedback on my channel if you like my channel make sure to subscribe
  12. suay

    Gaming I'm A Zombies Youtuber who Would like you all to check me out

    Hi Guys I'm a zombies YouTuber who needs help to get noticed heres the link to my channel make sure to like comment and subscribe and I will see you all later peace my channel name is likewisegaming to find it just search Top 5 most innovative things in zombies and I should pop up bye