Recent content by SharkNinja

  1. SharkNinja

    Gaming Pokemon Showdown Collab

    I'll be willing to do a collab with u on pokemon showdown. I'm a former rank 57 on the OU ladder. and I do an awful lot of pokemon showdown on my channel. Skype: Squidy29
  2. SharkNinja

    VR Looking for a reacting collab

    I have past experience doing react videos on my channel and other people's channel. add me on skype: Squidy29
  3. SharkNinja

    Gaming Looking to collaborate with someone to make a Top Stealth games list.

    By the way everyone the position is still open! I will update or delete this post if someone takes the position.
  4. SharkNinja

    Gaming Looking to collaborate with someone to make a Top Stealth games list.

    Maybe not as a voiceover but if you'd like I'd be more than happy to do side by side gameplay with you. Just add my skype and we'll work something out! :D skype: squidy29
  5. SharkNinja

    Gaming Looking to collaborate with someone to make a Top Stealth games list.

    What's going on everyone! My name is SharkNinja,and I hope all of you are having a great time! Anyways let's focus on the matter hand. Recently I have uploaded to my channel a video under the title of Top 6 Open World games of all time. After uploading it, I realized how much hardowork it took...
  6. SharkNinja

    PC Join My Minecraft Roleplay Series

    Sign me up bro! skype: Squidy29
  7. SharkNinja


    I would like a shoutout
  8. SharkNinja

    PC PC Gaming Collab

    I added you on skype man, we can collab if you's like.
  9. SharkNinja

    Gaming Creating A New Youtuber Group... Lets All Grow Together

    I would like to join, add me on skype: Squidy29
  10. SharkNinja

    Gaming Voice Actors Required For Game

    I added you on skype, hopefully I get a role. xD