Recent content by Robothawk Gaming

  1. R

    Podcast Looking to start a new podcast

    I'm up for it. Youtube name is: robothawk gaming, I do mainly strategy games.
  2. R

    PC Looking for people to record games with.

    Didn't get it, what is your channel, Ill pm you.
  3. R

    PC Looking for people to record games with.

    I didn't get the request, can you pm me your skype name?
  4. R

    PC Looking for Strategy Gamers

    I am looking for people to play all kinds of games with, from EU4 and CK2, to Darkest Hour and Payday 2. I have a handful of people to play Civ 5 with but we could always use more. Reply with some info about yourself and please at least of hit puberty. I understand that you may be mature but...
  5. R

    PC Looking for people to record games with.

    ow many subscribers do you have: 12 What editing Software do you use: Movie Studio Platinum 13 What do you use to make thumbnails with: paint of GIMP Steam name: robothawk Skype: I'm pm you if you accept What games will you play: Mainly strategy, also payday 2, civ 5, BF2:project reality...
  6. R

    PC Games Collab !!

    Ill do it! I can't record however, DxTory can't record browser stuff.
  7. R

    PC Games Collab !!

    Hey, I am more than up for Collabing and I have Payday 2 (plus 90% of the DLC) PM me if you want to record sometime.