Recent content by oRedOG

  1. oRedOG

    Steam Games , what is your most played game

    Hands down it is CS:GO
  2. oRedOG

    YouTube Who are your favorite gaming YouTubers and Why?

    Just bored so i made this post, Mine are SomeOrdinaryGamer, BrothaJones, and Emperor Mufasa. Because there videos are really entertaining in my opinion.
  3. oRedOG

    YouTube Who are your favorite Youtubers and why?

    SomeOrdinaryGamer - His deep web videos just hook me
  4. oRedOG

    Games I like.

    Games i like? We'll there are many games that i like i can list a few here. All Cod, CS:GO, GTA V, DOOM, Destiny, 2k15, 2k16, 2k17, TitanFall, Titanfall 2, etc.
  5. oRedOG

    A game I highly recommend

    Thanks for recommending tattle tail i later tried it and it was really fun!