Recent content by Mikes8899

  1. Mikes8899

    I need a Logo!

    Do you have a skype or something I can contact you over, I know you have an E-Mail but I prefer skype or steam.
  2. Mikes8899

    Gaming Town of Salem help

    Hey, this is a more unusual request. I like Steam achievements, the rarer the better. I found this Town of Salem achievement only gotten by one other person. In order to get it you gotta win 25 games as the arsonist, and there's another for Winning 25 games as a Forger. All I need is a group...
  3. Mikes8899

    I need a Logo!

    You have as much time as you'd like, And I haven't settled for a style but I like it simple usually.
  4. Mikes8899

    I need a Logo!

    Hey guys and gals, I'm looking for a Graphics Designer with the ability to help me create a Killer logo for my Channel. (Kids say killer these days right? I'm cool and with the times right!?) If you think you're able contact me, if you know someone punch me in thair direction, I'm low on cash...
  5. Mikes8899

    Resources In Need of a Graphics Designer!

    Do you have a portfolio or anything you can show to give me an idea of what you can actually do?
  6. Mikes8899

    Subscriber Milestone 20,000 Subscribers & Full time Youtube.

    Wait... You can make a ''living'' with only 20k subs? I put living in air quotes because I can only assume it's a tight budged.
  7. Mikes8899

    Resources In Need of a Graphics Designer!

    Hey guys and gals, I'm looking for a Graphics Designer with the ability to help me create a Killer logo for my Channel. (Kids say killer these days right? I'm cool and with the times right!?) If you think you're able contact me, if you know someone punch me in thair direction, I'm low on cash...
  8. Mikes8899

    PC Looking for group of people to do weird stuff with.

    Hi, My name is Mike but most people over the internet know me either as Wario_N3 on steam or as The_Hyruler on Twitter (Don't ask I don't know why I'm so inconsistent when it comes to names...). Anywho, I'm looking for a group of 3-5 people who I can play games with, record with and generally...