Recent content by mbwchampion

  1. mbwchampion

    Gaming Why should you be excited for Metroid?

    I made a video going over the biggest reason why you should be excited for the new Metroid games... the return of Samus.
  2. mbwchampion

    Does Anybody Use ClickBait

    Sadly Click Bait works... but I am not any good at it. Usually when I spend a long time making a video, I want to call it what the topic is and not try to fake anyone out. Sadly, that's not the case when it comes to views, because people do actually click on those bait videos more than good...
  3. mbwchampion


    Being born in 1985, it was anything Nintendo related. Sega was good too with Sonic, but Nintendo was where it was at. The Legend of Zelda was always a favorite. But Super Mario Bros. 3 blew me away as a kid. That was like... the best back in the day.
  4. mbwchampion

    Favorite Zelda?

    Man I don't know anymore. It used to be Ocarina of Time but Breath of the Wild is really good... but there are better than one another in different areas. Overworld is a win in Breath of the Wild. But story, dungeons, items... Ocarina of Time is better. Great games in the entire series...
  5. mbwchampion

    What Game Got You Into Gaming?

    Interestingly enough, it was the original Super Mario Bros. for the NES. I was 2 years old (almost 3) when I played it. And I have been a Nintendo fan ever since. :)
  6. mbwchampion

    YouTube What Topics Do Y'all Talk About In Your Commentary?

    I talk about games, history of games, channel updates, videos I am doing the future, game news, really anything that comes to mind. My viewers will usually ask questions and I will answer them during streams, so that is usually fun. :)
  7. mbwchampion

    Comedy Friendly Arm Wrestling Match

    Little bit of improv on this video. Had a lot of fun making it, I hope you enjoy it. :)
  8. mbwchampion

    Subscriber Milestone 1000 Subscribers during stream!

    Hey, that's a great milestone to make. Congratulations. :)
  9. mbwchampion

    Gaming Top Ten Most Wanted Characters for Super Smash Bros.

    Here is a Top Ten video for the most wanted characters for the next Super Smash Bros. This is my list for my wants combined with fan favorites, hopefully this is a good combined list.
  10. mbwchampion

    Comedy Phillip and Jerry - The Nintendo Switch

    Phillip and Jerry are back and they got the Nintendo Switch and ready to play some game! But Jerry has a problem... The Switch is in a box! Will Phillip and Jerry get to play Breath of the Wild, and will Phillip get to eat his perfect temperature pizza?
  11. mbwchampion

    Comedy Leap Year 2016

    Leap Year is a day where strange and odd things happen. Blake and Spencer found out in Leap Year 2008 that the cause was by Reptar. His curse made it so that Leap Year came every four years. On 2008, he was destroyed with the help of Captain Leap Year. In 2012, he returned in a new form and...
  12. mbwchampion

    Gaming Zelda Picture Frame

    I made another Perler Bead Blast. This time I made a Zelda Picture Frame for my wife and to celebrate Zelda's 30th anniversary! I hope you like it. :D
  13. mbwchampion

    Comedy 10 Years on Youtube!

    Thank you! I will rock for another 10 years! lol
  14. mbwchampion

    Comedy 10 Years on Youtube!

    I am celebrating my 10 Years of Youtube. I had a really fun, great 10 years; it was a hell of a ride. I made this video to show my random moments of Youtube. I hope you guys enjoy. :D
  15. mbwchampion

    YouTube YouTube is Removing G+ integration on YouTube!

    I don't really use Google+ besides the fact that you need it for Youtube. I didn't even know they unlinked it, I will have to check that out.