Recent content by Matusworld

  1. Matusworld

    What recording program

    Thx for the reply What do you think about shadowplay ?
  2. Matusworld

    Tips & Tricks Get Helpful Tips From a YouTuber!

    Hey Could you check ouy mine if you still do this. I think could use some advice on youtube and mabye what i could do better this is my hobby and i have a hard time starting it again but i wan't to try and find my time so mabye before i beging again can you just give me advise and show me what i...
  3. Matusworld

    What recording program

    Thx for the help guys :D
  4. Matusworld

    What recording program

    hello there i am Thinking about getting a new recoding program other than obs to record with. Can you guys help me what program should i buy? And if you have some good recordings settings to obs plz send me them becuase i don't think mine obs settings is the best right now ;D