Recent content by manh9x

  1. manh9x

    Gaming Hello Freedom Family.

    Wish you success with your channel
  2. manh9x

    Gaming Hi everyone!

    Wish you success with your channel
  3. manh9x

    Gaming Hi everyone!

    Hi.. Welcome to freedom.
  4. manh9x

    Solved After 3 days still under review status

    Hello, I signed up to 3 days but have not seen freedom notify or not allowed in the network? please check and reply me to my mail is known. I channel information: Account freedom: manh9xhp93 My ID channel: UCwhT8iTKpEUuoCXfpKuNO0A ---
  5. manh9x

    Solved Status channel is under review on 4 days

    Hello Leaders forums. I registered on the network freedom is 4 days, triggered but the state is still under review. I will have to wait much longer to get results is acceptable or not? My account on freedom: manh9xhp My channel: NCT Channel Please help me! Thank you