Recent content by JohnGon

  1. JohnGon

    Solved Copyright content issues

    Does Freedom! have permission to use (MC for Warner Bros) content? I just uploaded this video only to find 5min later that it's copyrighted :/ Here is the video: Also will it affect my channel if I just leave it there? It doesn't have to be monetized for me, will my channel get any strikes or...
  2. JohnGon

    Entertainment Hello, new MLG channel :D

    Your name: John -------------------------------- How did you find Freedom!?: I was looking up for networks on Google and it came by my way on youtube, someone was advertising for it. -------------------------------- What made you join our forums?: Interact with other Freedom! users, help and...
  3. JohnGon

    VFX Request I am looking for a free intro

    If someone has a template for it yes but the intro will look very bad, its best to use Adobe After Effects or Sony Vegas or Camtasia Studio.
  4. JohnGon

    VFX Request I am looking for a free intro

    Easiest way is to just look up ready intro templates with the program you edit your videos with and edit it to your name :)
  5. JohnGon

    2016 Banner #4

    Sorry if this questions is stupid af but I can't seem to edit the Name to my name? It's not showing as a text layer :/
  6. JohnGon

    what do you guys think?

    You can tweak it a little and it will still give you what you want, also try centring the texts, but good job anyways and good luck with your channel :)
  7. JohnGon

    new logo

    Looks nice, good job :D
  8. JohnGon

    what do you guys think?

    Very stretchy