Recent content by Hamiez HD

  1. Hamiez HD

    Gaming Hello and welcome to my channel

    Hey Guys my name is Hamiez I enjoy pizza, chocolate and gaming. On my YouTube channel I post fifa, ufc, cod and occasionally minecraft and NBA 2k16. Please check my channel out and subscribe Peace, Thanks and Goodbye
  2. Hamiez HD

    Comedy How is it going guys? I'm new check me out

    What's good guys? I am new to all this stuff and I would just like to say could you please checkout my youtube channel. I would really apreciate it. Thanks just search Hamiez HD
  3. Hamiez HD

    Gaming Hello Everyone. How are you going? Please Checkout my channel

    My name is Hamiez and I am new to freedom and youtube. If you are kind enough can you please check out my channel. At Hamiez HD