Recent content by Goly

  1. Goly

    遊戲玩家 大家好,我是MOUSE

  2. Goly

    遊戲玩家 哈囉!大家好 我是阿沃

  3. Goly

    遊戲玩家 剛新進來的Youtuber

    你好~我也是新的youtuber~ 我是以什么游戏都玩的主旨~主要是让大家开心 可以的话大家一起努力吧
  4. Goly

    Gaming Hi everyone~Just call me Goly

    Thank you~ My channel name is Goly够力の Main I use Chinese to play the game I like to play action game and horror game, but in case I will play all type of game Sometimes will also do some vblog to introduce Malaysia and Japan
  5. Goly

    Gaming Hi everyone~Just call me Goly

    Khabar baik bang~ Tapi saya bahasa melayu tak pandai~ So, I chat with English ok? btw nice to meet you
  6. Goly

    Gaming Hi everyone~Just call me Goly

    As title I am Goly , a Malaysian I am a Gaming youtuber and I love this . Hope I can know this Freedom family more~ See ya~~~
  7. Goly

    遊戲玩家 欢迎大家的到来!我就是XX

    大家好~我是Goly, 马来西亚来的一个小小的游戏youtuber, 但目前在日本就读 希望在这里能和大家多多学习一堆学不完的知识~~ 多多指教咯