Recent content by Gaming Gang Gang

  1. Gaming Gang Gang

    Gaming Loving the community. (New Here!)

    Welcome! I checked out your 8bit boy video, cool channel, good luck!
  2. Gaming Gang Gang

    Motovlog New to this

    Coo! Welcome, I'll check you out and show support, good luck!
  3. Gaming Gang Gang


    Classics!Does anyone remember "007 Golden-eye" on the Super Nintendo? That was a pivotal moment for video-gaming, as far as consoles!
  4. Gaming Gang Gang

    Small Gaming Channels risk losing AD revenue!

    HAHAHA!!! Sorry about that, thanks for the heads up!
  5. Gaming Gang Gang

    Resources Download Youtube videos offline!

    Very interesting! Thanks for sharing the resources too!
  6. Gaming Gang Gang

    Resources Free images and videos and no copyright hassle

    What happens if more than one person uses the exact same image, does it ever register with YouTube as copy-write or ever a conflict of interest in general?
  7. Gaming Gang Gang

    Gaming Pree\ss P/lay

    Hi Voia! Thanks for the reply! I wanted to be a little subtle and not promote, but thanks for asking :) I thought I had to have 5 posts....before linking, ---I'm basically a onestop shop if wanna check out some cool game-play, Imm trying to cover all genres, I subbed to you, cool channel...
  8. Gaming Gang Gang

    Entertainment Hey, I Guess. I Like To Edit Videos!

    Hi there Christian! I'm sure its not that bad, most creative people are very critical of their own work! Good luck :)
  9. Gaming Gang Gang

    Gaming Pree\ss P/lay

    I came to get down! I'm here to build into this community! I love Video-games, movies, music and nature<3