Recent content by FunionGames

  1. FunionGames

    If you could only post one game to your channel from now on, what would that game be?

    Definitely Warframe, that game is the dope
  2. FunionGames

    Staff Ask Me Almost Anything!

    Thank god for that! Thanks Andrew! :)
  3. FunionGames

    Staff Ask Me Almost Anything!

    I would like to ask how I'm going to be paid, cause I have looked it up and i haven't been getting the answers I've been looking me stupid, but is adsense REALLY required to get money from YouTube? Some say it is but I've seen many people say they've gotten paid..even the smaller...
  4. FunionGames

    Games You're Recording?

    .AirMech Arena .Warframe (I have one other game, but forgot what it's called, but my capture card is coming in a few days, so I'm saving my bigger games for that) .Heavy Rain (once released) .Beyond Two Souls (once released)
  5. FunionGames

    Favorite Anime?

    Definitely one of the smaller ones....I think it would have to be Rosario Vampire.
  6. FunionGames

    Fun and Games Channel Prediction Game!

    Current Stats; .1 Subscriber .41 Views .September 6th, 2015 1 Year Prediction: . 8000 Subscribers .60,000 Video Views .September 6th, 2016 .
  7. FunionGames

    Everyones Currently most played game?

    Until Dawn atm