Recent content by FitzRa

  1. FitzRa

    Gaming Arma 3: DayZ Exile

    Would love it if you could check this out and give me some feedback on what I did well and how to improve!
  2. FitzRa

    I can render a 4-minute 1080pHD video in 82 seconds, how do you stack up?

    Any chance you can show us the codec and how to set it up?
  3. FitzRa

    CPM Rates

    Just wondering, What are the standard CPM Rates for small youtube channels. Want to know how much the rate varies between channels.
  4. FitzRa

    Music For Videos

    Was wondering if anyone knew of any sites or youtube channels in which I can get music to use in gaming videos. I would need music such as dramatic music, Cinematic music and just casual music to go behind a commentary of a game. I would prefer the music to be free and it has to be non...
  5. FitzRa

    Gaming Testing Out DayZ Standalone FPS

    Just changed a few settings and messed about with launch commands and I think I have made DayZ playable for me!
  6. FitzRa

    Gaming CSGO Jumping AWP Shot

    Hi, Hope you are all having a good day. was hoping some of you could check out my video that I edited together.
  7. FitzRa

    GFX New Intro That I made

    Thanks man! And you will be surprised with how easy it is to make. I am not an editing expert. I didn't add music because I want different music in each video to make them all unique.
  8. FitzRa

    GFX New Intro That I made

    I have always wanted to make my own youtube intros because I don't like to steal peoples work and use it as my own. I have tried to make many intros and I think I have finally made one that I am happy with - Feel free to comment and don't be scared to criticize it. That way I can make it better!
  9. FitzRa

    Gaming My Introduction To You - FitzRa

    Thanks man, Think I have just sorted it out
  10. FitzRa

    Gaming My Introduction To You - FitzRa

    Your name: My name is Elliot Where are you from?: United Kingdom How old are you?: 16 years old How did you find Freedom!? I was told about Freedom by a friend What made you join our forums?: I want to be involved in an active community What are your hobbies?: Mosty games What is your favorite...