Recent content by Fastuts

  1. Fastuts

    Upgrade GTX 980TI to GTX 1080 Worth it?

    What is your yearly income?
  2. Fastuts

    Mic help

    You can also use cardboard to build a little box around your mic which helps a lot to block out keyboard and mouse sounds
  3. Fastuts

    Screen capture software

    You can easily get a crack for bandicam which supports gpa acceleration
  4. Fastuts

    Is a mechanical keyboard good for Youtube?

    You can get cherry mx reds with key dampeners which only cost about 3 bucks extra. That will mute some of the sound, however you can also use a little bit of cardboard to form a box around your mic to block the sound from your keyboard.
  5. Fastuts

    How To Learn Softwares Fast

    Thanks man. We are very dedicated to our channel and strive to make it better but the only problem right now is that we are having a hard time being discovered on YouTube. Any suggestions?
  6. Fastuts

    How To Learn Softwares Fast

    Welcome to Fastuts! The channel of super fast, speed tutorials. Remember that time when you had 5 minutes until the deadline of your project? You ended up getting stuck on something and so you searched for a tutorial on YouTube. You found one, but it's 13 minutes long. It teaches you about...