Recent content by DrunkBrosGaming

  1. DrunkBrosGaming

    Gaming What's Up Fellow Drunkards!

    Thanks man, hope to see a lot more of it in weeks to come! Cheers man, really appreciate it! Haha we both quite like it! Thanks man, we quite appreciate that! I'd love to stay and chat but 15 cans of Guinness (each) and a long endurance race is about to kick off!
  2. DrunkBrosGaming

    Gaming What's Up Fellow Drunkards!

    Thanks man! We appreciate that so much :D We are looking at building a proper channel trailer once we have a lot more content ready, as currently it's only Res and Dark Souls... Soon enough there will be a lot more for us to choose from ;)
  3. DrunkBrosGaming

    Games You're Recording?

    Can't beat a bit of fosters or tennents! We do enjoy a good 1664 when its on offer, however Guinness is by far the best for when we do special recordings!
  4. DrunkBrosGaming

    Gaming What's Up Fellow Drunkards!

    Unfortunatly not, I (Cena) have work at 7am tomorrow and the last time I showed up hungover/still drunk was the worst shift ever! I will however be drunk tomorrow night ;)
  5. DrunkBrosGaming

    Games You're Recording?

    Current we are doing Dark Souls and resident evil, with a hope drunk endurance race for GT coming out soon! Really looking forward to partaking in the consumption of fine (Cheap) beverages whilst recording these games!
  6. DrunkBrosGaming

    Gaming What's Up Fellow Drunkards!

    We are actually doing a dark souls play through right now, as it is one of our favourite games, however we are going to be uploading a GT part soon, but beforehand our Resident Evil playthrough will start (I think the idea is to have two playthroughs going, with a random type game (GT, GTA...
  7. DrunkBrosGaming

    Gaming What's Up Fellow Drunkards!

    Hey guys, we are DrunkBrosGaming (Cena and Clegane), and we are pleased to meet you all! We are two guys who enjoy playing games, and of course, getting rather drunk while doing so. Having played games for most of our lives (though one is significantly better than the other) we decided it may be...