Recent content by DousGaming

  1. DousGaming

    XBox Looking to make some friends and Make some videos too!

    Yeah I'm down :) just email me so we can figure out a time and stuff and my Xbox Live is DousParody so message me on there if you want also
  2. DousGaming

    Gaming New Storyteller and Video Game Player

    How I found Freedom! was that they emailed me. I didnt really do anything just that they emailed me and I replied :)
  3. DousGaming

    XBox Looking to make some friends and Make some videos too!

    Hey my name is Sam but I go as Dous on my channel DousGaming and I am looking for some people to make friends with and make some fun and awesome videos with playing games on the Xbox One or 360. If you are interested the quickest way to get a hold of me is on my channel by messaging me on it or...
  4. DousGaming

    Gaming New Storyteller and Video Game Player

    Hi, My name is Samual and I am new to Youtube. My channel is DousGaming and I started doing videos back in January of 2016. I have been a member of Freedom! since I think around mid-March and was really surprised about a Network offering to help me and back then I think I only had 6 Subscribers...