Recent content by Dominic_Diaz.7

  1. Dominic_Diaz.7

    Gaming Come record with me!

    I'm looking for a group of people to record with, games like brawlhalla, speed runners, gmod, etc. Any amount of subs will do, doesn't matter to me. Looking for ages 16-18 I can make some aceptions tho. When you see this don't hesitate to just join the discord! Channel...
  2. Dominic_Diaz.7

    Help Survivors of Domestic Violence

    1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Since 2005, Allstate Foundation Purple Purse has helped more than 800,000 victims escape abusive relationships through financial education and empowerment. Help our cause by donating 10$ minimum to S.O.F.I.A(Start Out Fresh...
  3. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PlayStation Blacks Ops 3 Zombies

    Looking for some people (age 14-17) to play zombies with, I usually play on the giant map but I also have Der Eisendrache and I am also going to purchase more when the time comes.If you're interested leave your PSN name down below. My PSN-Hoodini_911 My...
  4. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PlayStation i want to collab

    im up for it ps4-hoodini_911 skype-fartingpanda1
  5. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PlayStation Looking for some Cod BO3 players

    I am looking for some BO3 players to play the Shadows of Evil with and to also play some multiplayer. If you are interested add me on PlayStation (My PS name is weird as hell) PlayStation- Hoodini_911 my name is Dominic btw
  6. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PC Gaming Collab Group

    Name: Dominic Youtube: Skype: Fartingpanda1 Age:15 Games:CS:GO,Gmod,Minecraft
  7. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PC Looking for gmod prop hunt players!

    Skype- Fartingpanda1
  8. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PC Gaming Group

    Age 14 Name Dominic Channel Dominic.7 Skype Fartingpanda1
  9. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PC Gaming Collab

    Age 14 Name Dominic Channel Skype Fartingpanda1
  10. Dominic_Diaz.7

    Offering Hey guys! Let me give you feedback regarding your channel!

    Can You Check Me Out!?
  11. Dominic_Diaz.7

    Tips & Tricks Please Give Feedback

    Hey Freedom Family, I want to know what changes I should make to my channel to make it better Please Help! Channel:
  12. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PC Let's Grow Together-Come and Play

    Looking for some people to play Garry's mod and other games with with, preferably ages 14-16 skype- Fartingpanda1 Steam- Dominic.7 hope to play in the future and grow together! Thank You
  13. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PC Join our Minecraft Server!

    i'll check it out
  14. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PC Looking For Someone to Collab With!

    YouTube Channel: Skype Name: Fartingpanda1
  15. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PC I need some gamers

    Hey Guys I'm Dominic and i'm in need of some people to play with. I prefer ages 14-16 but i will be a bit flexible.check out my channel i will leave a link below and if you are interested just reply back and I will answer asap. Thank you...