Recent content by David F

  1. D

    PlayStation A PS4 BUDDY?

    Hey Man I also play Black Ops 3. Add me on my Psn it's kingdavid_11 just let me know youre from here because i have a few friend request so i know who it is.
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    VR Anyone want to network to help each other grow?

    I Subscribed to most of you guys, if i have not subscribe to you yet let me know
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    VR Anyone want to network to help each other grow?

    I Just Subscribed Back and left a comment on your recent video!
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    VR Anyone want to network to help each other grow?

    I Would be interested in Networking to help grow one another channel. Let me know if you would like to, i will leave my channels link. Thank You
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    VR Looking for experienced gaming YouTubers to join a group channel!

    Hey I would like to be part of the group. I upload Black Ops 3 and sometimes Fifa 16 videos. I usually upload twice a week. Let me know and i don't know how to put my channel subscribe button on here but here is the link
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    Competitive COD

    You really don't need a control,Scuf, (I'm assuming that is what he means by saying control) it will help but you will be fine without one.
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    How to make my gaming channel grow

    Yeah I agree with CAPS LOCK and he has some very good points.
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    Competitive COD

    I play Competitive with my clan(Lethal Gaming). We play MLG gamebattle, the tourney are really fun.
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    What game should I play?

    Try Black Ops 3 or Stars War Battle Front both great games!
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    Rating on Black Ops 3

    It's great so far, they just need to fix a few little things like the friends list i can only see the first 10 that go fix so i guess they are working on it but the game is awesome so far.
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    VR Reviewing Your Channels!

    Hey! If you are still reviewing channels could you review my channel when you get a chance. I would like some feedbacks on what i should do to improve my videos. Thank You
  12. D

    Service Free And Paid Graphics!

    Can I get a Banner made for my channel. I have a gaming channel, I make Black Ops 3 and FIFA 16 videos. Thank You